The Woodlands
Growing, achieving and flourishing together in mind, body and spirit.
Class Blog
This week in the Woodlands we have had a very busy week! For Drawing Club we looked at the book "The Runaway Pancake", the children made comparisons with the Gingerbread Man. On Tuesday, we made Pancakes for Pancake Day and chose various toppings please look on Tapestry to spot your child.
On Monday we had our first visit to the library in Northam, thank you to all the parents who helped walk up with us. It was lovely weather for it and we were able to spot the waves, the sand dunes and Lundy from the top of the hill. The children were very well behaved and sat listening well to Jack's story.
On Thursday, it was World Book Day. Look at Tapestry for any photos we took as many as we could throughout the day! The children loved sharing books with the adults.