Religious Education
Growing, achieving and flourishing together in mind body and spirit.
“The principal aim of religious education is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religions and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.” Devon and Torbay Agreed Syllabus (2019-2024)
As a Church of England School, our children develop a knowledge of Christian beliefs and practices so that they understand the importance of the Bible, the role of the Church and recognise that for Christians, faith provides a way of interpreting life and its meaning. Across the school children develop a knowledge and understanding of world faiths and non-faith communities. They foster open mindedness and a positive attitude of acceptance and respect for variety, diversity, expression and practice in religious and non-religious beliefs. Children explore their own beliefs and sense of belonging and are encouraged to investigate, ask questions, reflect, interpret and empathise; developing their own beliefs and valuing and those of others.
RE is planned in accordance with the Devon and Torbay Agreed Syllabus for RE (2019) At St George’s, RE is a lively, active and motivating subject. Teachers employ a variety of teaching methods including art, music, discussion, the development of thinking skills, drama, the use of artefacts, pictures, stories and reflection. Where possible children have opportunities to encounter local faith communities and visit local places of worship.