St George's C of E Infant and Nursery School

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Ventrus MAT

Physical Education

Growing, achieving and flourishing together in mind body and spirit.

At St George’s we recognise the importance of being active, staying fit and healthy, the effect it has on a child’s health and wellbeing and their ability to learn effectively. Through Physical Education our children build confidence and resilience, learn to enjoy activity, engage in healthy competition and persevere.

Across our school we are committed to providing all children with opportunities to engage in high-quality, inclusive PE lessons which have a clear intention, high ambition and allow children to reach their personal best. We follow Complete PE, which is a comprehensive programme that is progressive across EYFS and Key Stage 1.

Pupils within EYFS are taught the fundamental movement skills of balance, agility, coordination and core strength. Children undertake daily physical activity and have two weekly PE sessions and time outside in the wilderness. The Woodlands (EYFS) have two dedicated outdoor areas where learning is planned to develop and extend physical skills.

All Key Stage 1 children access 2 hours of high-quality PE a week. These sessions allow all children to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in a variety of sports. The Key Stage 1 curriculum is focussed around movement, gymnastics, dance, games, ball skills and health and fitness activities. Swimming is seen as an essential part of our Physical Education provision due to the location of our schools. To ensure sustained progression children in Year 2 swim fortnightly for two terms.

In addition to Physical Education lessons children are given opportunities to take part in active playtimes and lunchtimes. Extra-curricular activities are planned to extend sports taught during curriculum time and offer new experiences. We also look for opportunities to be involved with other programmes such as Tennis for Kids, Balance ability and Chance to Shine cricket programmes.

Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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