Lunch Menu
Growing, achieving and flourishing together in mind, body and spirit.
Lunchtime is an important part of our day and we make a special effort to make it a positive, enjoyable time for the children. Children can opt for a school dinner and have a choice of a main meal, vegetarian, jacket potato or a school packed lunch. We promote ‘healthy eating’ and our menus reflect this. Please note that our menus are available from the School Office as well as on our website below.
“We aim for all Children to have a happy & nutritious lunchtime. The Kitchen team are experienced and passionate about healthy balanced lunches. Our food is sourced as locally as possible and prepared fresh each day. All allergens are catered for and we are a nut free Kitchen. We welcome children or parents to come and talk to us about any concerns with allergens and/or diet.” - Kelly - Kitchen Manager.
Spring Term 2025 Allergen information
Benefits related free school meals
All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 at state schools in England automatically get free school meals. However, parents and guardians are encouraged to apply for free school meals when they enrol their child in school, as this can help their child’s school to attract additional ‘pupil premium‘ funding to support learning.
If you believe you may be eligible for the benefits related free school meals you can now apply online and get an immediate response. Please click on the link below to access the Devon Citizen Portal and select free school meals.
This is the quickest and easiest way to apply and will result in you getting an instant decision. Alternatively, call the Education Helpline on 0345 155 1019.
Once you have received confirmation of this, please bring it to the school office. You will then qualify for a free school jumper each year for your child and up to 50% discount on all school trips.
Packed lunch guidance
If you decide to provide your child with a lunch from home (and in line with our drive to encourage our children to lead a healthy lifestyle), please see the information below regarding packed lunch guidance.
A useful website:Change4Life
Please note, we are a nut-free school.
In line with our healthy eating drive, we ask parent’s who provide their children with packed lunches follow the guidance from the NHS when it comes to preparing a healthy and nutritious lunch.
We recommend that packed lunches should include:
- at least one portion of fruit and/or vegetables every day
- meat, fish or other source of non-dairy protein (e.g. egg, lentils, beans, soya or hummus) every day
- oily fish, such as salmon or tuna occasionally
- a starchy food such as bread, pasta, rice, noodles, potatoes or other type of cereals every day
- dairy food such as cheese, yoghurt or fromage frais
- a drink – such as water, milk, or pure fruit juice
Packed lunches could include these foods but only as part of a balanced meal:
- cake/muffin
- biscuit
- cereal bar/ rice cake
- crisps
Packed lunches should not include:
- chocolate covered confectionery and sweets
- nuts or nut products (although they can be healthy) because of the danger to other children with allergies
- all drinks that are artificially sweetened or carbonated e.g. fruit shoots, flavoured water or fizzy drinks
Special Diets /Allergies
The school recognises that some pupils may have verified medical conditions requiring special diets or cultural/religious/ethical beliefs which may impact on diet. These may not allow for the standards to be met exactly. In this case parents are urged to be responsible in ensuring that packed lunches are as healthy as possible. Please ensure that the office and your child’s class teacher are notified regarding any special dietary needs or allergies.
NOTE For these reasons pupils are:
- not permitted to swap food items.
- not permitted to bring nuts and nut products into school.
For more information and packed lunch ideas please go to the following websites: