St George's C of E Infant and Nursery School

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Ventrus MAT

Juniper Class

Growing, achieving and flourishing together in mind, body and spirit.

Class Blog


What a wonderful week we have had in Juniper class.  We started the week with Science learning about habitats and microhabitats.  The children had a great time looking at different habitats and exploring our playground and wilderness area.   We were excited to get back to swimming this week.  The children have made fantastic progress and it is great to see them all so confident in the water.  The main highlight of the week was world book day.  The children were so excited and all dressed up amazingly well for the event. 


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Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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